Basingstoke Amateur Theatrical Society | BATS | Dedicated to Quality Musical Theatre

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Chutney is hideous! Holly Reedman chats about rehearsing for Legally Blonde

“She’s absolutely hideous!”  That’s Holly Reedman’s succinct summary of Chutney Wyndham, the spoilt, bubble-permed rich kid she plays in Legally Blonde.

“I’m usually cast as a sweet, gingham-wearing girl, so this is a great opportunity to flex my acting muscles and take on a different challenge!”

Holly rejoined BATS in 2015 after several years away from the stage.

Holly Reedman headshot

“I’d lost my confidence a bit, but was lured back by the prospect of doing Sister Act. I’m so glad I did – I loved every minute of that show! There was an “eclectic” mix of women playing the nuns and we really bonded. I’ll always remember it fondly.”

After that Holly danced her way through Grease. “I’m 33, and at first I thought 'I can’t keep up with these kids!' I also injured my knee in rehearsals, which made the big hand-jive number a challenge. But I did enjoy the buzz on stage.”

Despite her injury, Holly’s just performed another dancing role in BAOS’s West Side Story. “I’m having proper physio on my knee now!” she laughs.

Back to Legally Blonde, where you can see Holly’s character Chutney take the stand in a crucial courtroom scene in act two – facing off against lead character Elle Woods, the Beverly Hills beauty turned high-flying law student, played by Laura Newborough. We won’t give away what happens, but one of the facts in this article gives a clue to the scene’s big twist!

Holly joins a cast of 30 talented local performers in Legally Blonde, which runs for six performances from Tues 17 – Sat 21 May at the Haymarket.