Basingstoke Amateur Theatrical Society | BATS | Dedicated to Quality Musical Theatre

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Elf - The Musical Review, November 2021, Deputy Mayor, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

The performance was anything but Amateur from the minute the curtain went up before a packed house. From the outset we were treated to a polished, professional standard evenings’ entertainment that would rival anything to be seen on a London stage.

The impact of the ‘Elves’ performing at the start of the show set the standard with an innovative display that really captured the audience and set the jolly mood that continued all the way to the final curtain call. The story line was probably very familiar to many of the audience, but it was the delivery of this performance with all the clever innuendos of today’s world that set the cheerful atmosphere we all needed after long months of restrictions.

The quality of the direction and choreography by Louise Travis was first rate and together with an enthusiastic and talented cast they really delivered an excellent show. It was only afterward we were told that the two principals on the night were, in fact, the understudies to the main cast members, but you never would have realised. The professionalism of the cast as a team was also evident when Buddy the Elf lost his ‘voice’ when his headset mic failed, and the smooth way he slipped off-stage to resolve the problem was unnoticed by the audience.

A most enjoyable and entertaining evening with plenty of laughs. Well done and thank you BATS!

Councillor Paul Miller (Deputy Mayor) and Mrs Sandra Miller (Deputy Mayoress)
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council