The Wizard of Oz review, Nov 2014 - NODA

For this production, BATS turned to the RSC's version of the stage show which faithfully follows the original film.

Scenery/Set/Properties: Every scene was professionally created with imagination. The Kansas cyclone into dreamland through projections with swirling images was outstanding and gave a huge dramatic buzz. High praise is due to the design and implementation of these special effects. The yellow brick road was on a revolve, from inside which the forest, scarecrow etc. revealed. The unexpected arrival of the crows gave rise to one of the humorous moments in the show.

Make Up: The make- up and hair creations were numerous and varied from the prosthetics needed for the Tin Man to the pointy chinned witch. All were expertly applied with great attention to detail.

Costumes: The costumes were fantastic. Great attention to detail had been made and all the costumes were of an excellent standard, colourful and vibrant.

Lighting and Sound Effects: The lighting was effective throughout and well controlled. The pyrotechnics announcing the arrival of the witches were exciting and quite an eyeful! The fearsome image of The Wizard deserves special mention.

The Production: The outstanding talent of the cast resounded throughout this excellent production. All the principals had a natural, easy presence and delivered the songs with affection. Alyssia Kershaw shone with confidence as Dorothy. She was well supported by Bryn Hughes as the Tin Man, Craig Saunders as Scarecrow who overcame the physical obstacles of their costumes and Spud Smith was absolutely delightful and very funny as the Cowardly Lion. The production was a great credit to Nick Brannam (Director and Choreographer) and Musical Director Neil Streeter. Nick Brannam illustrated his experience and talent with this very polished production which was a lot of fun.

Chris Horton District 14 Regional Representative

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