Legally Blonde review, May 2016 - The Southern Daily Echo

This stage version of the 2001 film charts the transition from air-head student Elle Woods, a top-class performance from Laura Newborough, into legal-eagle. Dumped by boyfriend Warner (Joe Humberstone) she studies hard and follows him to Harvard Law School.

Finding he has a new squeeze, she takes advice from hairdresser Paulette (the wonderful Sally Manning) and Emmett (the excellent David Izzo) and gets her act together, using blonde-logic to acquit exercise-guru Brooke (the perfectly cast Emily Hemmings). Ian Moseley was confident as predatory Prof Callahan and Rhianon Mone central to every vibrant song and dance scene as Margot.

The sound was crystal-clear, scenery shifting unobtrusive, costume-changes made in record-time and Rachel Glover once again led a tight orchestra.

Director/choreographer Nick Brannam may have used an online version as a template but a multi-talented cast is a pre-requisite in being able to deliver it and the standing-ovation was affirmation that they certainly are.

Alan Johns

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