The Full Monty Review, Nov 2014 - The Daily Echo

Originally set in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the tale of six redundant steelworkers combining to perform a striptease- routine was a blockbuster film and this musical version, relocated to Buffalo, Western New York, proves equally popular.

Paul Morris as Jerry Lukowski and John Eddie as Dave Bukatinsky provide the lions-share of the action.

Holly Reedman and Laura Newborough feature strongly as their wives and the rest of the guys, Richard Bond (Harold), Ian Moseley (Malcolm), Bryn Hughes (Ethan) and Tim Bill (Horse) all have their moments.

Kathy May- Miller has a ball as fading pianist Jeanette and it was a pleasure to again see Sally Manning (as Vicki).

The (predominantly female) audience loved every minute of a good- looking production.

Alan Johns


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