Sally Manning

Sally’s getting back in the habit to reprise her award-winning role

When Sally Manning played the Mother Superior in our 2015 production of Sister Act, her performance saw her named Best Actress in a Musical at the Daily Echo Curtain Call Awards. Seven years on, she’s thrilled to be reprising the role.

“It was my first lead part and quite scary at the time,” remembers Sally. “But I think I’ve evolved as a person since then, and now understand better who the Mother Superior is. I think my voice has matured as well. But in rehearsals it’s strange how things are coming back to me from before!”

Sally Manning

Much of the fun of Sister Act involves the sparky relationship between the Mother Superior and the sassy nightclub singer Deloris Van Cartier, forced to hide in the convent after witnessing a murder. Deloris is played by Kirsty Kingham. Sally says acting with Kirsty is quite an experience.

“Kirsty and I have been really close friends for many years now but we’ve never performed together! Now we’re performing the leads in my favourite show which is very special to me. Because it’s Kirsty, it’s REALLY hard to stay focused and not to allow myself to burst with laughter - and equally not to get emotional!”

Since 2015 Sally has played several lead roles for BATS as well as directing her first show at the Haymarket, Avenue Q for BATS Next Gen. Later this year, she’ll be directing BATS’ next show, Shrek – The Musical.

Sally as Mother Superior in our 2015 production

“Originally we were due to perform Shrek in 2019 but Covid hit. So I’ve had a lot of preparation time! I love character work, and I’m really looking forward to bringing all those fairytale creatures to the stage. It’s going to be a lot of fun!”

Before that though, Sally’s attention is firmly focused on Sister Act – as well as her day job as a job coach at Farnborough College.

“I help teenagers with additional learning needs to find work,” she explains. “I absolutely love being able to help make a difference in their lives.”

“And for me the most important thing about BATS is, you’ve got to have fun! It’s a hobby and people are taking time out of their busy lives to put on a show.”

“I can’t wait to get back on stage at the Haymarket with a great group of friends and bring you the best show we can!”

Six performances of Sister Act run from 17 - 21 May at the Haymarket, Basingstoke. Buy tickets online.

Sally is superior in her role!

They’re nuns who’ve unleashed their inner divas, habits swirling as they dance up a storm while belting out a fabulous disco tune. It can only be a scene from Sister Act, the film-turned-musical that’s coming to the Haymarket in May.

Fans of the film will remember Whoopi Goldberg as nightclub singer Deloris, forced to hide in a convent and inspiring the nuns to find their voices. In the rehearsal room, it’s the job of musical director Rachel Glover to turn the ladies of BATS into a credible line-up of showstopping sisters.

Sally Manning in rehearsal for Sister Act
Sally Manning in rehearsal for Sister Act

“They’ve really thrown themselves into it!” says Rachel. “There are lots of complicated harmonies to learn but they’re doing a great job!"

The songs are an exuberant mix of 1970s styles. “There are little nods to artists like Chic, Barry White and Kool and the Gang. It’s a lot of fun – a real feelgood musical!” Watching on is Sally Manning, who plays the disapproving Mother Superior, played by Maggie Smith in the film.

“I’m trying to protect the convent from the disruption Deloris brings,” explains Sally. “The hardest thing is keeping a straight face! There are some very funny performances from the other nuns but I’ve got to stay serious.”

Sally’s incredible voice is showcased in two big numbers. “It’s my first time on stage in ten years, but I knew I had to be in Sister Act,” says Sally. “It’s one of my favourite musicals.” Judging by the fun everyone’s having in rehearsal, Sister Act looks set to win many more fans.

Six performances of Sister Act run from Tuesday 12th - Saturday 16th May. Performances start at 7:30pm with a 2:30pm Saturday matinee.

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