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Sister Act Review, May 2022 - It's All An Act

Firstly can I say what an incredible sound this society make! Adam Blosse (Musical Director) deserves a medal for the quality that he has drawn out of this fabulous cast.

The show began with a bang, vocally and visually with Kirsty Kingham (Deloris) providing the lead vocals being back by Kirsty Bennett (Michelle) and Rachel Potter (Tina) and accompanied by the glamorous drag queen dancers Ben Waines and Ben Shallow. We started as we meant to go on.

Joining the ladies on stage was the male entourage bringing a new element to the stage in the form of Paul Morris (Curtis), Richard Bond (Joey), James Young (TJ), Bryn Hughes (Pablo), it was clear that all the males had been given clear direction for their characters as they were all believable and reacted well to each other's character.

The show moves towards the police station where we met ‘Sweaty Eddie’, I mean Eddie Souther played by Ian Moseley. His moustache which was something to be admired - a solid performance from the man throughout the show including his solo.

The time came in the show when we entered the Nuns’ convent and this was where most of the laughter from the audience came from, not just from the script writing but for the comedic timing and facial expressions from every single nun that was on stage. Each nun had their own personality which was clear and shone through and the attention to detail did not go unnoticed.

There are a few nuns that are worth mentioning as they had stand out performances. Sally Manning (Mother Superior) - this hilarious woman never failed to get a laugh from the audience. Rhianon Mone (Sister Mary Robert) portrayed the timid and shy nun character that was expected and sang wonderfully in her solo. Luannsa Goodman played the energetic and excitable Sister Mary Patrick to the letter and filled the stage without fail. Kirsty Kingham (Deloris/Sister Mary Clarence) whether a nun or not, she was the right person for this part and made this character her own with the vocal ability and emotional character portrayed throughout.

On the other side within the convent was Anthony Mitchell (Monsignor O’Hara) with his optimistic Irish charm to complement Mother Superior.

There were a few hiccups with the sound but the cast continued through like professionals, I found that some of the scene changes were a little awkward and distracting from the actors sometimes, but apart from that I must say that the lighting for the show was phenomenal and added a real classy element to the show.

I must finish where I started by saying that this society makes an incredible sound, whether it be full cast, three-part harmonies or solos - the singing made this show.

Jaz Wilson
It's All An Act

Sister Act Review, May 2022 - Dress Circle Antics

Sister Act Is An Uplifting Show That Everyone Could Do With A Dose Of.

Following the rehearsal of Basingstoke Amateur Theatre Society’s (BATS) Sister Act, I was looking forward to seeing the finished show. And it provided the fun, high energy and laugh a minute show everyone could do with a dose with from time to time. Under Lousie Travis’ direction and a cast determined to give audience members a night to remember, the theatre was full of well-deserved applause and cheers by the end of the show, showing gratitude to a company that have worked tirelessly hard to give audiences a good night out and a show to enjoy.

Leading the show is Kirsty Kingham as Deloris, a role with big expectations. Yet Kingham does not let this phase her. Her vocals are incredible, and she is perfectly cast in this role – capturing the cheeky yet loving essence of Deloris the whole way through. She carries the show tirelessly – even more admirable is how she learnt the role in just 6 weeks. Bearing in mind as this is amateur dramatics, that’s not 6 weeks of all day everyday rehearsing, but 6 weeks of a few hours, twice a week. You’d never tell, as Kingham looks as though she was born for the stage and brings Deloris to life wholeheartedly and wins us all over.

Opposite of Deloris, you have Paul Morris as bad guy Curtis, supported by Richard Bond, James Young and Bryn Hughes as his wannabe back up men – Joey, TJ and Pablo. They bring the comedy to the show and never miss the mark with the comedic timing and punchlines. All three are just naturally brilliant by being these comedic characters without having to try too hard. They are very convincing, perfectly finding the line between playing the nice guys who end up with bad jobs.

It can safely be said Sister Act is an ensemble show through and through. The stellar ensemble elevates this show, filling the theatre with their strong vocals and the energy that is palpable from all four corners. In the more full-on numbers, such as raise your voice’ and ‘Spread the Love Around, it’s hard not to get caught up in the show and be rooting for everyone on stage.

It’s amazing to see how far the show has come from the rehearsal I was invited to watch just a few weeks ago. The rehearsal then was something special, but to now see the finished piece filled out with the costumes, set and props was a wonder – the stained-glass windows all beautifully lit up, the nuns habits with the added glitter and glamor as they perform for the pope, Deloris’ epic big and blonde wig…all these details just really pull the show together that bit more.

This may not be a West End company, but the love and support everyone has for each other is unmatched. To see everyone beaming with joy and putting all they have into their performances on stage is nothing short of wonderful, and for that, BATS cannot be praised enough. Sister Act may be rough around the edges at times but given this is a show put on by people in their own free time after their usual jobs, fitting this into their lives as an added extra, they have done themselves proud by creating such a joyous and fun-filled show.

The humongous effort and hard work every person has put in is starkly clear from the first to the final note, and there was never any disappointment watching. Sister Act is the uplifting show everyone could do with a dose of, and BATS has more than provided that.

Leyla Demirel
Dress Circle Antics

Sister Act Review, May 2022 - Basingstoke Gazette

BATS members have faced a tough time preparing for their upcoming performance of Sister Act at The Haymarket theatre, with Covid “severely impacting” rehearsals according to chairman of the amateur theatrical society, Ian Moseley.

However, you would never know this from the incredible performance the hugely talented cast put on. Despite more than two thirds of the cast ill and in isolation for two weeks during March, the team has worked hard to pull together and perfect the production which is set to uplift and delight audiences from May 17 to 21.

It is the second time BATS has staged Sister Act, after wowing audiences back in 2015. The society decided to revisit the successful show as members “find our feet again post lockdowns”, said Ian. Based on the book by Cheri and Bill Steinkellner with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Glenn Slater, the story is perhaps a familiar one to many who remember the 1992 film starring Whoopi Goldberg.

It follows nightclub singer Deloris Van Cartier (Kirsty Kingham) who is witness to a fatal shooting carried out by her on-off boyfriend Curtis (Paul Morris).

Forced to go into hiding undercover in a convent, Deloris finds friendship and support from the group of nuns. Kirsty Kingham embraced her inner-diva to play a convincing Deloris, adopting her feistiness and sassiness with ease as she strutted across the stage in confidence and belted out the musical numbers with power and emotion. No one will leave questioning her star quality after her rendition of Fabulous, Baby!

However, it is not just the lead roles who shine, with many of the supporting characters also standing out and impressing with their physicality and vocal performances.

The group musical numbers dotted throughout are a joy to watch, expertly choreographed by Louise Travis who is also director. Uplifting, joyous and wildly funny, it’s impossible not to tap your foot along and have a little boogie in your seat when the nuns sing, dance and rap together.

This is juxtaposed with the emotional ballads, including Mother Superior’s (Sally Manning) Here Within These Walls, which feels almost ethereal performed against the beautifully lit chapel set complete with stunning stained-glass windows.

Morris gives a powerful performance as Curtis singing When I Find My Baby and Eddie Southern (Ian Moseley) evokes sympathy in I Could Be That Guy.

The first act finishes on a high with Deloris and the nuns belting out the upbeat Take Me to Heaven.
If the first act was all about Deloris, the second act shines a light on some outstanding performances from several individuals, including Rhianon Mone who plays Sister Mary Robert. Watching her transform from a shy, timid, gentle young girl to a confident, determined and fiercely loyal friend to Deloris, she delivers an incredible rendition of The Life I Never Led.

Perhaps the highlight of the second act (arguably the entire show) was the hilarious performance from trio Bryn Hughes (Pablo), James Young (TJ) and Richard Bond (Joey) who thoroughly entertain in Lady in the Long Black Dress, made extra comical with the super-high-pitched Bee Gees style singing. James Young says he has worked on his physicality for the show and this is evident as his comical timing, expressions and body language bring the character to life.

There is a dramatic climax as the nuns unite in sisterly solidarity to protect Deloris, before ending on a high with the upbeat Raise Your Voice, complete with a particularly impressive dance move performed by one of the nuns which is sure to have the audience laughing out loud.

This feel-good, uplifting show is a real triumph and not to be missed. Or, in the words of Deloris, 'Fabulous, Baby'!

Emily Roberts

Cydney, Katie and Kaz talk about their Sister Act Calling

Kaz works in air traffic control. Cydney has a job in a jewellers. Katie’s career is in marketing. But these three women share a passion. You could say it’s a “calling”. For on Monday and Wednesday evenings you’ll find them singing and dancing their hearts out in rehearsals for the nun-tastic musical, Sister Act!

“I’d have happily swept the stage just to be part of this show,” says Katie. “It’s such a feelgood, uplifting musical and when you get everyone singing these gospel-style songs together, the sound in the room is amazing!“

“I love the message of the show,” says Kaz. “It’s all about acceptance and how we’re better for being different.”

Cydney believes Sister Act is a great bonding experience for the women in the cast. “A hundred per cent! We’re all different ages. This is my first show for BATS and everyone’s been so lovely and welcoming.”

The trio, all experienced dancers, have a busy show in store. As well as donning habits as the singing sisters, they also play a variety of other roles, as you’ll see when they take the stage at the Haymarket.

Putting on a show takes time and commitment. Cydney’s been living in Reading, Katie travels in from Wokingham and Kaz has childcare to juggle. But all agree it’s worth it.

Photo of Cydney

Cydney Murray

Photo of Katie

Katie Schulten

Photo of Kaz

Kaz McCloy

The trio in rehearsal

“You do it because you love it,” says Kaz.

“Totally,” says Katie. “I did a Performing Arts BTEC and have been in 24 hour musicals in Camberley, which were chaos! But this is the first show for a while and I’ve had time to relax and enjoy the process. Our director Louise is fantastic - I’m loving working with her and learning from her.”

“I was in Joseph, Annie and The Wiz when I was a child,” says Cydney. “But this is the first show I’ve done as an adult.”

And she has an admission. “Although I’d heard of Sister Act, I’d never even seen the film! Now I know it, I love it!”

“It’s such a happy show,” says Kaz. “It’s good for all ages and there’s something for everyone. I know it’s going to be fantastic!”

You can see Kaz, Cydney and Katie in six performances of Sister Act, which run from 17 - 21 May at the Haymarket, Basingstoke. Buy tickets online.

Sally’s getting back in the habit to reprise her award-winning role

When Sally Manning played the Mother Superior in our 2015 production of Sister Act, her performance saw her named Best Actress in a Musical at the Daily Echo Curtain Call Awards. Seven years on, she’s thrilled to be reprising the role.

“It was my first lead part and quite scary at the time,” remembers Sally. “But I think I’ve evolved as a person since then, and now understand better who the Mother Superior is. I think my voice has matured as well. But in rehearsals it’s strange how things are coming back to me from before!”

Sally Manning

Much of the fun of Sister Act involves the sparky relationship between the Mother Superior and the sassy nightclub singer Deloris Van Cartier, forced to hide in the convent after witnessing a murder. Deloris is played by Kirsty Kingham. Sally says acting with Kirsty is quite an experience.

“Kirsty and I have been really close friends for many years now but we’ve never performed together! Now we’re performing the leads in my favourite show which is very special to me. Because it’s Kirsty, it’s REALLY hard to stay focused and not to allow myself to burst with laughter - and equally not to get emotional!”

Since 2015 Sally has played several lead roles for BATS as well as directing her first show at the Haymarket, Avenue Q for BATS Next Gen. Later this year, she’ll be directing BATS’ next show, Shrek – The Musical.

Sally as Mother Superior in our 2015 production

“Originally we were due to perform Shrek in 2019 but Covid hit. So I’ve had a lot of preparation time! I love character work, and I’m really looking forward to bringing all those fairytale creatures to the stage. It’s going to be a lot of fun!”

Before that though, Sally’s attention is firmly focused on Sister Act – as well as her day job as a job coach at Farnborough College.

“I help teenagers with additional learning needs to find work,” she explains. “I absolutely love being able to help make a difference in their lives.”

“And for me the most important thing about BATS is, you’ve got to have fun! It’s a hobby and people are taking time out of their busy lives to put on a show.”

“I can’t wait to get back on stage at the Haymarket with a great group of friends and bring you the best show we can!”

Six performances of Sister Act run from 17 - 21 May at the Haymarket, Basingstoke. Buy tickets online.

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